Beams don't follow when stem length adjusted

• mar 9, 2024 - 18:10

I want to use inspector to adjust all the stems to the same length and (clearly!) I also want the beams to sit ON TOP of the stems.
Why would anybody in their sound mind want stems that reach over and beyond the beams??? xD
Is there an easier way to do this than choosing stems/beams manually and settling for a tediously time consuming click-and-drag-session?


Hej Daniel,

Jag kan återskapa ditt bekymmer, jättekonstigt, balkarna borde vara kopplade. Om du istället markerar längre partier och använder inspektorn så hittar du "Notskrift -> Not -> Balk -> Visa mer". Där kan du jobba en del med balkhöjder. Hoppas det hjälper något.

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