I think it's a problem that occurred after the update

• Eyl 7, 2024 - 18:13

Hello dear Musescore team.

I'm Utku. I need help with a problem I'm encountering and can't solve. The problem is, I'm having trouble connecting the notes I want from the "palettes - add palette" section to the "note beam properties" (When I use the palette I mentioned in the image, the application closes itself at certain points.
). This problem is that the application closes itself. For this reason, if I have not saved my work yet, my work is deleted. I connect some notes to each other perfectly and there is no problem. But whenever I try to connect notes together in certain places, Musescore turns itself off and I have to turn Musescore on again. This problem did not exist before the update. I updated Musescore and this problem started. For this reason, I cannot write perfect notes. Another problem I encountered was that before the update, midi instrument sounds sounded much louder, but now they sound low. I checked the sound settings of my computer, but I think it is not caused by my computer. This was just a small note. I need help with the problem I first mentioned. I would be very happy if you help me solve the problem.
Thank you.


Ek Boyut
musescore p.pdf 22.9 KB

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