Version 4.4 stopped opening files with Cyrillic names.

• Aug 29, 2024 - 09:00

Version 4.4 stopped opening files with Cyrillic names.

Причіплений файл Розмір
Полька Веселая соседка - Ю. Весняк.mscz 42.44 KB
sshot-11.png 23.77 KB


I am a Japanese speaker.

I can say that this is a bug specific to Ver. 4.4.0.
It seems that there is a problem with files that cannot be read if the file name or its folder directory contains multibyte characters such as hiragana, katakana, or kanji in addition to Cyrillic characters.

Please rename the file or folder to a single-byte character such as alphabet and then try to open the file by all means.

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