This page is an administration page intended for the editing community only. Click this link to go to the handbook front page intended for public viewing.
To add a new instrument to a score and manage instruments setup, use Instruments dialog instead.
To switch an instrument and change its staffs everywhere on a score, use Staff / Part properties instead.
To switch to another sound sample (switch channel) (e.g. pizz., con sordino) inside an instrument, use Staff Text instead
When a musician is required to double up on a different instrument for a section of a piece, an instruction to switch instruments is generally placed above the staff at the beginning of that section. A return to the primary instrument is handled in the same manner.
MuseScore uses a special class of text called Change Instrument text for this purpose. This allows you to change the instrument for that staff at a chosen point in the score, and have this reflected in playback.
Warning: While the "Change Instr." text is also available from the Text Palette, it contains a bug in MuseScore 3.x where transposition for the new instrument might break. Use the Change Instrument Text from the menu instead to prevent this bug.
An instrument in Musescore is a concept including score settings, behaviors (transposition, playable range), sound etc. More info.
Sound setting changes using a Change Instrument text can be observed:
For example, here is a Mixer display showing the "Tuba" track (first track) among many others. Notice that the small arrow at the top of the Tuba track is dimmed. No new instruments have been added to it.
Now, to the Tuba stave in the score, a "Change Instrument" text has been added to the score, inserting an "Oboe". Notice now that the top arrow on the Tuba track in the Mixer menu has darkened.
Now, if that arrow in the Mixer menu is clicked, a sub-menu opens, showing the sounds of the Tuba are still there (1st two sub-channels), but a new "Oboe" sub-channel has been added. By clicking on this sub-channel, you can assign a sound to the Oboe from the "Sound" tab on the Mixer menu (see below):
To change the track back to its original instrument, just insert a new "Change Instrument" text into the stave after the first one, and name the original instrument. For example, in this example, the Tuba stave has been returned back to Tuba. Notice that in the Mixer menu, a new "Tuba" sub-channel has been added after the "Oboe" sub-channel.
The Mixer contains controls for adjustments of in-app playback (sound, volume and panning), and MIDI out settings. It contains the Details Area on the top and the Control strips Area below. In between the two is a wide button with a tiny triangle. Clicking on it toggles the visibility of the details area. It uses the Preferences > Score > "Show MIDI controls in the Mixer" as default setting.
To display/hide the mixer, use one of the following:
Expanded parent control, showing child controls in pink.
Displays the Master Gain on the left, and columns of controls on the right. It is important to know the difference between channel and sound track (Musescore Voice):
Note: (a) In Musescore 3.6.2, the Mixer does not response to selection on the score screen area, a control in the Mixer must be selected with a mouse click first, before any adjustment is made. (b) It is not possible to add or remove channel inside a instrument on a score inside Musescore. To add or remove a channel, or set default values, a custom instrument must be created utilizing a instruments.xml. The topic is covered in the developers' handbook. (c) Parent control strip is formerly referred to as "part track".
The Master Gain controls the overall output volume. To adjust it, click and drag the slider handle or enter a value in the box underneath.
When an instrument on a score contains more than one channel. A parent control strip is shown in the Mixer, it has an arrow button on the top left corner. Click the arrow to show or hide all channels. Parent control shadows the first child control, modifying values on parent control modifies all children values.
At the top a green S Solo button and a red M Mute button: click to toggle on and off. If any Solo button is checked, unSolo channels are muted regardless of their Mute status. These modify a channel, not voices.. To mute a voice, jump to Mute Voice
The dial below the mute button controls panning left and right. You can click and drag. Note that value 64, not 50, is center pan.
The slider controls the playback volume. This is a final post process output volume. The data size 127 is an arbitrary number not related to MIDI velocity, default 100 value is 90% sound sample volume, more info.
Not to be confused with Long instrument name and Short instrument name in Staff / Part properties.
Display Instrument name or Channel name. Does not affect score visually.
The details area displays and provides finer control of the currently selected channel.
Playback option to be used with Musescore Parts feature.
Not to be confused with Long instrument name and Short instrument name in Staff / Part properties.
Text for display within Mixer only, also known as Part name in Staff / Part properties. Does not affect score visually. Does not affect sound.
Channel name cannot be modified inside Musescore, use custom instruments.xml instead, more info
Affects the whole instrument:
Changing without understanding will mess up your score audio.
Understand difference of channel and voice first, you may not want to edit this field. Consider these alternatives first:
If none of the above options fit, read on to edit sound.
The sound option is the sound data that an instrument channel use for playback. The data reference method depends on the order of soundfonts in the Synthesizer, pay attention to Synthesizer setting before you close and restart Musescore.
Correct audio won't be produced unless you setup Drumset correctly, you must understand the sound's layout.
The drop-down menu lists every sound from SoundFont loaded in the Synthesizer. They are ordered as the order of soundfont files in the Synthesizer: SF2/SF3 by MIDI Bank first, then SFZs. It is not an alphabetical order. To jump to the sound you desire quickly, while the list is open press on your keyboard (once or more) the first letter of the name.
Sound is formerly named Patch.
Same as volume slider on control strip
Same as panning slider on control strip
Color for display in Mixer only, does not affect score visually. Affects whole instrument. To change, click the colored rectangle to pick from the color palette.
The output MIDI port and MIDI channel. As of Musescore 3.6.2, MIDI output driver of the program only use 1 port and 16 channels on the operation system.
The reverb and chorus value sent to MIDI out. Sent to MIDI devices only. Does not affect MuseScore's built in audio playback.
Mute individual Voice. Each row represents one staff of the instrument. So pressing '2' on the top row will mute the second voice of the first staff of the instrument. This field is different from all others as it affects voice instead of channel.
Understand the concept of channels. You can also do these instead:
Some instruments come with multiple channels that you can switch audio playback to and from. For example, the build-in string instrument (violin, viola, cello etc.) has three channels: "arco" (or "normal"), "pizzicato" and "tremolo." The build-in trumpet has two channels "open" (or "normal") and "mute".
To switch channel, add a pre-configured Staff Text or add a plain one and edit it, as explained below. All subsequent notes of affected Voice(s) will switch to play the sound assigned to that channel, unless instructed to do otherwise with another Staff Text object. For example, all notes after a 'pizz.' Staff Text use the "pizzicato" channel, to return to arco (use sound of "normal" channel), a new 'arco' text must be added.
The 5 build-in pre-configured Staff Text in the Text palette (pizz., arco, tremolo, mute, open) instruct all four Voices of a staff to use respective channel. They affect one particular staff, but not the other staffs of the same instrument.
The 4 build-in pre-configured Staff Text in the Text palette (S/A, T/B, T/L, B/B). They only work on:
They affect one particular staff, but not the other staffs of the same instrument.
To use a custom Staff Text :
This feature is unstable, may lead to crash and data loss. Backup beforehand. Many PRE adjustments are ignored by Musescore 4 by design.
Using Piano Roll Editor (PRE) on a target staff (a piano grand staff contains two staffs), the user can
To open PRE,
From the top down are,
The same time segment is shown under Canvas and Levels with timing shown on Ruler. To rewind or forward displayed segment,
Adjust time scale with Ctrl+Shift + mouse wheel on Canvas.
(Musescore 3.6.2 only) Each block represents a sounding event,
Note value is indicated by width. Vertical position always corresponds to sounding pitch. Text shown aligned to the left border is the concert pitch / sounding pitch, number on the right is Voice. Red line between two blocks represents a Tie. Selected notes are highlighted in yellow. To pan pitch-wise,
Adjust pitch range scale with Ctrl + mouse wheel.
Each dot represents a note, with visual aid lines (one extending down to axis, one extending right briefly). Selected notes are highlighted in yellow. Only selected notes can be edited, which is useful when editing overlapping lines (chord notes).
(Musescore 3.6.2 only)
(Musescore 3.6.2 and above)
Ctrl + click any blank space under Canvas. The new note starts at the nearest grid line to the left. It merges into a chord with existing notes if note values match, overwrites and truncates otherwise. Tuplets are ignored.
(Musescore 3.6.2 and above)
(Musescore 3.6.2 and above)
See also note property and Dynamics chapter.
(Musescore 3.6.2 only),
(Musescore 3.6.2),
Enter a Len value.
(Musescore 3.6.2),
(Musescore 3.6.2),
Enter a OnTime value.
Not working: Ctrl+C/X/V.
Edit Preferences Advanced tab "ui/pianoroll/[dark or light]/[item]".
The fork Musescore 3.7 Evolution contains PRE improvements and changes.
Basic playback functions are accessed from the Play toolbar located above the document window:
From left to right, the icons are:
To start playback:
During playback you can jump to a specific note or rest in the score by simply clicking on it.
To stop playback:
Once playback has started, the following commands are available:
During playback you can still use keyboard shortcuts to open and close panels, such as Play, Synthesizer, Mixer etc.
Playback will now cycle within the region marked by the blue flags.
See also: Play Panel (below).
To open the Play Panel use one of the following options:
From the menu bar, select View → Play Panel.
The Play Panel allows you to make temporary changes to tempo and volume, to loop playback between specified points etc.
Musescore, as of 3.5, understands and creates playback for chord symbols and Nashville numbers, but not roman numerals. This chapter discusses the playback settings available. They also affect functionalities other than playback including:
The playback behavior of each chord symbol and Nashville number on a score is determined by two levels, see also Layout and formatting chapter.
On top of settings explained, all these objects attached to one particular instrument (any of its staff(s)) use that instrument's specialized harmony channel. Its control strip is only visible inside Mixer when there is at least one such object. The control strip may be hidden under a parent control strip, in that case click the arrow on the top left corner to show all child strips, see Mixer chapter. Ways to change sound (virtual instrument) used and the volume / muting / soloing are covered in their respective sections.
Every score file has a "Full Score" layout. It also contains "Parts" when the Musescore Part feature is utilized to generate different versions of the same score. Each "Part" and the "Full Score" has their own separate complete set of settings explained above.
Additionally, there are adjustable specific playback settings of Musescore software for these objects. See "Changing settings of Musescore software" section.
Use combination of the following settings to toggle playback.
Shown below are different settings used on a CM7 (Cmaj7) chord, and notes demonstrating the resultant playback. The "Close" and "Auto" create identical result. It is not necessarily so for other chords, so it is advisable to use "Close" explicitly when it is the case.
Harmony channel use "Grand Piano" sound by default regardless of instrument, except where a score created in Musescore 3.5.1 and later using the Guitar solo template, the "Nylon String Guitar" sound is used by default.
To change the sound:
Note: The exeception that Sound settings of an instrument are shared among Musescore Parts.
Note: In a score file containing multiple Musescore Parts, separate adjustments are needed in each individual Part for the same instrument, as harmony channel volume and mute settings are saved in the Part, but not shared among them.
Requires Musescore 3.5.1 and later
To change the playback function of Musescore software on chord symbols and Nashville numbers, when playing back a score:
: Only affects scores created with Musescore 3.5 and later. The default status is unchecked (playback function enabled). Check it to disable the playback function of MuseScore software.score/harmony/play/disableCompatibility
: Only affects scores created with Musescore 3.4.2 and earlier. default is checked (playback function disabled). Uncheck it to enable the playback function of MuseScore software.
To change playback of a chord symbol or Nashville number when it is first added onto a score:
MuseScore 4.0's Sound and playback support:
Jump to a curated list of free files downloadable, feel free to add to the list.
All pre-defined instruments added onto a score is capable of creating audio playback without further setup. MuseScore creates audio playback by using the Synthesizer and the virtual instrument technology. MuseScore 3 comes with the free MuseScore_General.sf3 which contains the virtual instrument and human voice sounds, drum/percussion kits sounds, and sound effects needed.
To use custom sounds, install a custom virtual instrument file, enable it inside Musescore, then configure a score to use a sound inside the custom file. The two sample-based MIDI synthesizing virtual instrument technologies supported by Musescore 3 are SoundFont (.sf2/.sf3) and SFZ (.sfz).
Creation of audio playback starts with processing of score notation into MIDI data. MIDI exchange utilized includes sound preset/patch/program, MIDI velocity, MIDI CC etc. To edit sound preset usage, see Mixer chapter. To choose whether Musescore use MIDI velocity or MIDI CC or both, and the MIDI CC number used (CC2 by default), see Synthesizer chapter. These data are used together with SF2/SF3/SFZ data.
SF2/SF3/SFZ data consists of sound samples in (PCM (WAV), OGG, or FLAC format / container) and algorithms that handle MIDI data provided by Musescore (sound volume response / attenuation modulator). MuseScore does not offer functionality to edit any data inside SF2/SF3/SFZ, including the MIDI handling algorithm. How MIDI data such as MIDI velocity affect sound volume is determined by the file but not Musescore, it is solely engineered by the creator of SF2/SF3/SFZ file. The free Polyphone editor can be used to edit them, it can also convert SF2/SF3 into SFZ and vice versa, but with some definition data loss. The SFZ definition files can be edited with any plain text editor.
Install a custom file by copying it into the custom virtual instrument directory, which is configurable in Edit → Preferences: General tab, see Preferences chapter, it is by default:
Then enable the custom file by setting up Synthesizer window. Scores refer to virtual instrument files by their ordering in the list in the Synthesizer window. Scores do not create correct playback, unless the ordering is identical to the ordering used last time. To save and load the ordering setting, see Synthesizer chapter.
Lastly, configure a score to use a sound inside the custom file.
Musescore creates playback audio in real-time, it does not use or save cache. A score using a custom virtual instrument will not create identical playback on another machine unless the custom virtual instrument is also installed on that machine. To export audio as an independent file, see Export chapter.
SoundFonts (.sf2/.sf3) are virtual instrument files. The SF2 format is invented by a now defunt company, but a copy of the format specification can be viewed online, see Soundfont, MIDI velocity and instruments.xml: Online Resources. SF3 offers sound data compression, see Glossary. One soundfont file is capable of embedding (packaging) all data required for multiple Musescore Instrument sound generation, see the Instruments, staff setup and templates and Mixer chapters.
Musescore need time to process soundfonts at startup, especially SF3 files. Removing unused files from the list in the Synthesizer can speed up program startup.
If you're having problem, move / copy the file manually to the custom virtual instrument directory.
To disable a virtual instrument, remove the file from the list inside Synthesizer.
To uninstall a virtual instrument, remove the file from the directory. This may change the virtual instrument ordering in Synthesizer, which affects all scores previously created with this Musescore program because the order of soundfonts affects playback. Score may play an incorrect sound even if it does not use the virtual instrument you just uninstalled. When Musescore cannot locate particular data, a staff's playback falls back to use the first sound of the first file, that is usually the "Grand Piano" sound of the pre-installed SF3.
a simplified illustration
SFZ is a free virtual instrument format not related to sf2/sf3, see . SFZ files do not embed (package) audio sample. Musescore 3 understand and uses each SFZ for one articulation sound of one instrument only, see the Mixer chapter.
SFZ files do not embed audio data. Audio files (WAV or FLAC format) are usually located in folder(s) next to SFZ file(s):
Once the files has been installed, they also need to be enabled inside the synthesizer window, see Synthesizer.
If the sound needed is shipped with Musescore, use it by adding instruments onto a score instead, their sounds are already configured properly.
To add a custom sound, choose and add an instrument that use a staff style similar to the custom sound would relate to, then change its sound in the Mixer.
Advanced users could create custom instruments, see developers' handbook instruments.xml chpater. That chapter has info on how to make a soundfont more compatible with MuseScore 3 such as adding sound change text (eg pizz.) support, adding MIDI CC response etc.
The list below are different from other sf2/sf3/sfz online depositories, in that these virtual instruments contains at least one Musescore 3 compatible attenuation modulator. That is, they are engineered to at least responds to one volume-affecting MIDI data exchange practice used by Musescore 3, such as MIDI velocity. Community handbook editors updating this list should be mindful of the distribution aspect of the SoundFonts or SFZ's license (wikipedia)
SF3 Direct download from github
(13.8 MB).SF3 Direct download from
(35.9 MB)SF2 Direct download from
(208 MB)MuseScore\instruments\instruments.xml
File that contains common instrument sounds of the four families:
Tips on extracting downloaded files:
If the toolbar play panel is greyed out, or not visible, follow the instructions below to get your sound working again:
If you are setting up a SoundFont for the first time, please use one of the recommended SoundFonts listed above.
If playback stutters, then your computer may not be able to handle the SoundFont being used. The following advice may help:
Drum notation and Unpitched layout sound requires MIDI Bank number set to 128
MuseScore 3 comes with the free MuseScore_General.sf3. It is located in the directory shown below. This directory should not be used for installing custom files, the custom virtual instrument directory should be used instead.
%ProgramFiles%\MuseScore 3\sound\MuseScore_General.sf3
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MuseScore 3\sound\MuseScore_General.sf3
%ProgramFiles%\MuseScore 3\sound\MuseScore_General.sf3
(with xxx
being the MuseScore version)MuseScore's swing feature allows you to change the playback of your score from a straight to a swing rhythm. Swing can be applied globally or only to a section of the score, and is fully variable.
To apply swing to all staves in a system:
Click Swing in the Text palette (double-click in versions prior to 3.4);
This inserts a System Text object which affects all staves in the system with a default swing percentage of 60%.
Edit the Swing text as required;
If you need to vary swing from the default setting, right-click the Swing text and select System text properties... Click on the "Swing Settings" tab and adjust note duration and "Swing ratio" as required.
To apply swing only to specific staves in a system:
Swing text can be edited and formatted just like any other text object.
Often this notation is used to indicate swing:
MuseScore does not have a way to include a triplet in text as a tempo marking, but there is an easy workaround:
If you want playback to return to straight time after a swing section, use one of the following options:
From version 3.4:
Prior to version 3.4:
If you wish to apply swing to the whole score, you can do so from the menu:
In the "Swing Settings" section, set the desired note value and "swing ratio."
Tempo markings can be found in the Tempo palette of the Basic and Advanced workspaces. They are supplied as metronome marks, but can be subsequently edited to display any tempo or expression you want. Playback tempo can be varied throughout the score by using multiple tempo markings, visible or invisible .
Use any of the following methods:
Note: If a tempo marking is applied from the menu or using a keyboard shortcut, the beat note automatically follows the time signature. The advantage of applying from a palette is that you can choose which beat note to use.
To change the tempo of an existing metronome mark in the score:
You can also override the tempo of an existing metronome mark from the Inspector:
Note: Playback may be faster or slower if the tempo setting in the play panel is at a percentage other than 100%.
Tempo marks can be edited and formatted just like any other text object. To set text properties or text style, see Text styles and properties.
The tempo indicated by a metronome mark usually persists even if overwritten by an expression—such as Andante, Moderato etc. You can also add further text to a plain metronome mark. e.g.
You can temporarily override the indicated tempo, and play the score back at any tempo you like using the play panel:
Display the play panel: View→Play Panel or F11 (Mac: Fn+F11):
Move the tempo slider up or down as required. The tempo is shown both as an absolute value and as a percentage of the currently indicated tempo mark. Double-click the tempo slider to reset it.
Note: BPM is always measured and displayed in quarter note beats per minute, regardless of the (denominator of the) time signature in effect.
You can simulate ritardando ("rit.") and accelerando ("accel.") playback by adding hidden tempo markings to the score. The printed indication to the musician should be added as staff/system text in addition.
In the example illustrated below, the tempo was originally 110 BPM (beats per minute). At the ritardando, the tempo decreases by 10 BPM on the first note of each measure. Each tempo change is made invisible by unchecking the Visible checkbox in the Inspector, so that only the ritardando shows on the printed score:
A plugin has been developed to automate this process: TempoChanges
Fermatas, available in the Articulations and Ornaments palette, have a Time stretch property that can be set via the Inspector. By default, this property is set to 1.00. To have MuseScore play back a fermata for twice its normal duration, click on the fermata and set "Time stretch" to 2.00. This of course does not work for fermatas applied to barlines, as barlines don't have a duration to stretch.
Dynamics of a piece is the variation in loudness and timbre between notes or phrases. This chapter covers Dynamics Text that can change note playback loudness inside the program. Hairpin and Articulations (eg Accent >, Marcato ^) score objects also affect dynamics. Overriding setting can be assigned to note directly.
Dynamics symbols can be found in Dynamics palette. Additional symbols are available in the Master Palette (Shift+F9). To apply a dynamic to the score, either,
Does not affect playback.
Double-click a score item to edit text content. See also the Text editing chapter.
Musescore is shipped with professional glyphs eg the florin sign (the curvy hooked f, ƒ), which is different from an italic plain character f. Add them in Text editing mode using the special characters palette, or one of the following shortcuts ( MacOS use Cmd in place of Ctrl ),
Selected score items can be edited with Inspector,
Under the "Text" section,
Under the "Dynamic" section,
Global settings are covered in the Layout and formatting chapter.
To save and reuse a custom symbol, see Add an existing score element to a palette.
IMPORTANT: When a dynamics symbol is added to the score, it affects playback from the parent note onward until the next dynamic symbol. Final barlines or rests do not reset the loudness to default.
The Synthesizer creates audio for each note based on its assigned MIDI velocity value, ranging from 0 (softest) to 127 (loudest). The possible range of actual loudness is determined by the soundfont creator. A dynamics symbol uses its Velocity property (table of default values) to assign a basic MIDI velocity to the current note and all following notes til another symbol is encountered. Hairpin and Articulations (eg Accent >, Marcato ^) score objects may modify MIDI velocity then. User can also assign velocity to notes directly in the Inspector.
Not specifing any dynamics symbols in a score is similar to using a mf (mezzoforte) through out. This is because Musescore assigns MIDI velocity 80 to notes that are not affected by any dynamics symbol, which is equal to the default Velocity of mf.
There is no interface to adjust individual voice volume. However, the Voice Velocity plugin can batch adjust existing note's Velocity properties based on their voice. Notes added after plugin execution will not be automatically adjusted, the user need to run the plugin again.
The following sliders adjust volume broadly but have nothing to do with MIDI velocity,
Lastly, using reverb effect in Synthesizer may boost volume.
(After Musescore 3.1)
A dynamic symbol with a non-zero Velocity change property can simulate Attack envelope effect (wikipedia) if the Instrument, Synthesizer and Soundfont is setup correctly, such symbol is called Single Note Dynamics (SND), SND also has several different meanings due to continuous software development. SNDs also use Change speed property.
sfz (sforzando) and fp (fortepiano) are designed to work on certain instruments only; e.g. sfz symbol's effect on the violin does not exist on piano.
For more information, see How to setup Musescore for correct playback for all dynamics and hairpins.
MuseScore allows you to transpose the playback of a staff, without affecting the music notation. This simulates the effect of a capo (Wikipedia) on the instrument.
Note: Capo playback will apply from the note that the staff text is attached to, until either the next staff text with "Capo Settings" enabled, or until the end of the score.
To remove capo playback from a staff, returning the instrument to its normal tuning: