Distance two coupled staff lines differ between two pages of a score

• Jul 10, 2012 - 15:43

If you look on page 2 of the attached score you can see that the distance between two connected pairs of staff lines is larger than those on page 1. I find this very annoying and want those distances the same (from page 1)all over the score.
I tried fiddling several parameters to achieve this without any success. How can I do this?
I have the feeling that when I started this score I did something fundamentally wrong or forgot
to set some parameters correctly.

Attachment Size
PavaneOp50(FisMinor)T.mscz, 11.28 KB


First, I think you've probably attached the backup copy of your score - the trailing comma is a tell-tale sign. Presumably it also had a leading period which you removed?

Anyhow, you may wish to read the section on Layout and formatting in the Handbook. The short summary - because your second page exceeds the Page Fill Threshold defined in your General Style, MuseScore is stretching the systems out to fill the page. "System", by the way, is the term for "connected pairs of staff lines".

Also, I see you are using staff spacersd within every system, presumably because they were too close together for your taste? You don't need or want spacers for that purpose - instead, you simply set the Staff Distance in that same dialog.

In reply to by JoeAlders

My original comments still stand - it's just a matter of the second page exceeding the page fill threshold so Musezscore is automatically stretching things out to fill the page. Notice how the margins are the same on the two paea? That's the purpsoe of the pae fill function. But just turn that up to a higer value and it will stop trying to strwtch things out to fill the pages.

The frame on page one is not a problem. You can have frames of any size and still have constant system disance. It is just a matter of upping the page fill threshold, effectively disablingg the page fill function.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Agree with you but ...
keep the same gap by adjusting the threshold filling pages does not always guarantee that the systems are perfectly aligned opposite each page (and the cause of this is the vertical frame on page 1). The use of a vertical frame keeps both the same spacing and alignment, and I particularly want to look like this. However, I acknowledge that my way of writing a score is very "franco-française" (chauvinistic ; ))

In reply to by [DELETED] 15468

Correct - you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you have the same distance between systems on all pages, then your bottom margins won't be aligned unless your pages have the same number of systems and you aren't using any elements that take additional vertical space, like vertical frames, spacers, or lyrics (or if you use these elements, you have to use them to the same degree on all pages). This is of course not some arbitrary MuseScore limitation but is just common sense.

Nite in the actual posted example, removing the frame doesn't change that, either - you still end up woth more systems on the first page than the second, and hence u even bottom margins. You'd have to also insert a page break on the (n/2)th system, or increase system to the point where this happened, in order to force the same number of systems per page. And of course, the only works if the number of systems is divisible by the number of pages. Again, this is not some arbitrary restriction imposed by MuseScore, but just common sense.

Overall, one normally just has to accept that the first and last pages of a score will be laid out somewhat differently than others - the first because it normally contains the title, the last because it often doesn't have as many systems as the others. Either the spacing or margins will differ on the first and last pages - that's pretty much unavoidable unless you really take care to size everything just so.

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