
Calling for Google Summer of Code

• 14 years ago

Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source software projects. For the summer of 2010, the MuseScore developer team is looking for students who would like to work on MuseScore and meanwhile being mentored by a MuseScore developer.

When MuseScore gets accepted as a mentoring organization, Google will provide a stipend of 5500 USD per accepted student developer which is shared between the student and the mentor

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MuseScore meetup in Brussels at Fosdem

• 14 years ago

FOSDEM is a yearly event for open source users and developers. It's taking place this weekend in Brussels. So the ideal opportunity to meet up with each other. Update: 17:30-18:00 session

Will be attending for the whole weekend: Werner Schweer, Nicolas Froment, Thomas Bonte. If you come as well, reply to this post or add yourself to the Facebook event page.

In order to find each other, there will be a MuseScore BoF session in the

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MuseScore 0.9.6 beta 1 released

• 14 years ago

The first 0.9.6 beta release is available for download: Windows | Mac OS X.

Before you start testing, be aware that files saved using 0.9.6 beta do not open correctly in earlier versions of MuseScore. This is due to necessary changes to the file structure.

As always make sure you backup your scores before installing this beta release. If you encounter any issue, don't hesitate to report back to the forum or the issue tracker.

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MuseScore tutorial videos

• 14 years ago

Just thought I'd let you know that I've created a couple of brief tutorial videos for MuseScore. They are part of a series titled Musescore in 10 easy steps and they'll cover the basics of score setup, the MuseScore screen, note entry etc. I'll be creating the remaining videos in the series in the near future as soon as I find the time! Subscribe on my blog, YouTube or Vimeo to get informed.

All the best,
Katie Wardrobe

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Thank you for your donations

• 14 years ago started as a very basic community website a little more than one year ago. Today it's the home of the rapidly growing MuseScore user and developer community, attracting around 2000 unique visitors per day and serving around 300.000 pageviews on monthly basis. Needless to say this is quite a success, even more when considering this is all accomplished by volunteer work. This success comes however with a price tag, because quickly outgrew its simple hosting facility. Thankfully, we

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Configure MuseScore and Jack for playback to a MIDI keyboard

• 14 years ago

Ever wondered how to playback your MuseScore score on your keyboard? Now you can with Jack and MuseScore 0.9.6 for Windows. In this post, you will find the instructions how to configure Jack and MuseScore. I believe MuseScore is one of the first applications to support Jack on Windows so be aware this is still experimental.



Download and install MuseScore 0.9.6

Download Jack at

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Presenting the new MuseScore wordmark

• 14 years ago

A question often asked is when MuseScore will be ready for a 1.0 release. While it's hard if not impossible for a young open source project such as MuseScore to set deadlines, the answer so far was that MuseScore needs to complete a couple of things first. One of these things was the ability to run MuseScore on Mac which became possible this past summer, another one was to create a house style and artwork for MuseScore. Today, the very

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Announcing ABC import plugin for MuseScore 0.9.5

• 14 years ago

A plugin to import ABC (v1.6) into MuseScore 0.9.5 is now available in the source code repository.

Installation instruction

  • Download the plugin by right clicking this link and save target as.
  • Save the file in the plugins directory of MuseScore. On Windows it's c:\Program Files\MuseScore\plugins
  • if you don't run Windows or if you didn't install MuseScore in the default location, edit the plugin file and change the "program" variable to the path to MuseScore executable.
  • Restart or start MuseScore
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MuseScore for Mac is out of beta

• 14 years ago

MuseScore for Mac OS X is out of beta since the release of MuseScore 0.9.5 on the August 15th 2009. The feature list for Mac OS X is the exactly same as for Windows and includes Midi input, output to wav, flac, ogg and more. Download link:

MuseScore is available for PPC & Intel as an Universal Binaries package. It has been tested successfully on MacOSX 10.4 and 10.5. In case you successfully tested MuseScore on Snow Leopard, don't

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New features in MuseScore 0.9.5

• 14 years ago
  • With the release of MuseScore 0.9.5 comes the first stable release for Mac OS X 10.4 and above
  • Create sound files of your scores via FileSave As... (WAV, OGG, and FLAC)
  • Use and create plugins
  • Know the pitch range of instruments (MuseScore marks out-of-range notes for amateurs in yellow and professionals in red)
    [inline:pitch-range.png=Pitch range of piccolo]
  • Double-click to open a MuseScore file
    [inline:icons.png=Open file via Windows Explorer]
  • Over 30 crashes fixed


  • Dynamic markings affect playback.
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