Joined scores lose offset information

• May 28, 2014 - 08:46

I am quite fond of MuseScore's album feature. I have noticed however that lots of elements (pictures, texts etc.) lose their positioning information (horizontal/vertical offset) when joining scores via the album manager. Could this issue be solved anytime soon? I'd be deeply grateful! :-)

Linux | 2b832e8


Could you post an issue with specific steps to reproduce the issue you are seeing? Ideally from scratch, or with scores created in 1.3, as opposed to relying on scores created in older nightly builds.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

1) Create two new scores with piano as instrument and some title.
2) Change both titles' positions, giving them some horizontal and/or vertical offset; save both files.
3) Create a new album in the album manager, add both files and join them into a single file via 'Join Scores'.
4) In the resulting file, both title texts have lost their manually changed position.

All kinds of elements seem to be affected; I have tested this with title text, staff text, dynamics, a fermata, a fretboard diagram, a picture, clef sign and time signature; the offset is set back to zero for all of them.

Tested under Linux | 2b832e8

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