Multi-line part names

• Aug 27, 2014 - 05:10

1. Create Honky Tonk Piano score.
2. Right-click stave.
3. 'Stave Properties…'.
4. Make a new line of each word of the Long Instrument Name.
5. Select all of Long Instrument Name.
6. 'Copy'.
7. Select all of Part Name.
8. 'Paste'.
9. 'OK'.
10. 'Instruments…'.

Result: Line breaks are present - possibly causing the 'Staff type' to appear larger.
Multi-line part names - Instruments.png

Note: The line breaks are also present in 'Parts…'.
Multi-line part names - Parts.png

Discussion: Should part names have multiple lines? I wouldn't think so as they are really for informational, rather than presentational purposes. Such an action is likely to be otherwise unknown.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (b6480b7) - Mac 10.7.5.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

This score is indeed from GP, but I made new part names. Perhaps the bug was introduced in subsequent saves of the GP file in MuseScore format.

I've seen this a few times, but can't remember where each time and I can't seem to reproduce. I will post if I find it in a native MuseScore file.

Sometimes you do need multi-line Staff names due to space issues.

The part names are supposed to be derived from the Tracknames, so I'm wondering whether your example is an instance where the Trackname has been left out of the Instruments defininition file so the system is falling back to the staff name?

There definitely should not be multi-line Tracknames.

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