1.3 Mac: lead-in clave measures played too fast

• Aug 14, 2014 - 14:06

be gentle, this is my first post. I am trying to create a quick background track to be able to play a solo for a family event.
I have a midi score, all laid out nicely. However, I will need some lead-in 'clicks' beforethe piece starts. So this being 1.3 (Mac OSX Mountain Lion), there is no metronome lead-in as yet as for the 2.0 nightly version (which I cannot use because for some reason it's WAV/OGG/MP3 export only creates clicks and no music output at all)

So I inserted two measures in front of the first actual measure, a new instrument (claves), and then placed four crochets (quarter notes) in each of those measures (this being a 4/4 piece).

However, when I play back the piece with these two measures, these measures are played much too fast, almost 1.5 times. Then when it reaches the real beginning everyhing slows down.
A third measure of claves (first actual music measure) is then also played slower..

What am I doing wrong?

screenshot attached.

Wavefile (too large to upload) is at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39837205/fast.wav

(how does one export only part of a piece/selected measures to a audio format)?

Attachment Size
2014-08-14 08.58.45 pm.png 46.07 KB


Have a tempo text somewhere? Imported the score from midi?
Can you share score and midi?

When you import a score from MIDI, that can result n e (invisible!) tempo settings in the score . If you now add measures before that, these will play with the default speed (120bpm), and result in the effect you are seeing.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

turned out to be a hidden tempo designation from the MIDI import. I was able to delete that using a text editor (thanks Jojo!).

It would be nice if there was a way to make all such invisible things visible (or search for them to temporarily make them visible)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I don't know about invisible tempo markings on midi import because I don't do much midi import for production sheet music, but any invisible element can be made (fully) visible by right-clicking and in the menu clicking "set visible' and vice versa. It will then print and show up on PDF. You can tell which ones are invisible as opposed to visible, because the invisible shows up in the notation editor as the gray (semi-)visible while the visible shows up as black type. The "show invisible" option simply allows you to see the invisible elements while they are still visible for purposes such as score formatting. To see it on the print out, change the element to visible by use of the inspector or right-click menu.

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