changing default notation

• Mar 7, 2010 - 15:18

i'm inputting notes from a midi keyboard into musescore. i don't have a key signature. i'm thinking in flats but musescore seems to default to sharps, so after i input a phrase, i have to go back and change all the d sharps to e flats, all the g sharps to a flats, and so on. it would be nice to be able to tell musescore to default these accidentals to flats instead of sharps. i've looked in the options but haven't found a way to toggle this.


You could try Note -> Pitch spelling.
I don't know exactly what this menu item is for but it may be useful in this particular case.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Note > Pitch Spelling would give the default pitch spellings that rjawad1 is already getting. Notes > Pitch Spelling might change double flats and double sharps to their equivalent notes without double flats or sharps. At the moment Pitch Spelling isn't really smart enough to be useful.

In reply to by David Bolton

It would be nice to have a simple and dynamic way to set default accidentals (that aren't on the key sig.) when using midi keyboard note entry. So that you don´t have to stop writing to do it and without having to trust "intelligent" widgets as useful as they can be.
something like a [b / #] with a shortcut.

In reply to by Tato

yes that would be nice. just to add to what tato suggested:
have a 1 octave keyboard pop up from a menu and be able to assign a custom note spelling to each note.
for example, the normal "d" could be assigned to the note c double sharp. then every time i play d on my keyboard, it is scored as c double sharp.

In reply to by RJawad

well that is a little bit more complex but it does takes care of ## and bb.
How about if instead of selecting every default accidental you could just select a scale. with a simple shortcut like crtl-C for C major. crtl-C+[upArrow] for C# major. crtl-C+[down] for Cb major. and ctrl.shift for minor (taking in account the minor scale alterations).
This would also be helpful for writing with the ordinary keyboard. So you can set scales that aren't on the keysig. so that even if your keysig is in Bb and you suddenly modulate to Dmajor, when you tipe "b" it would automatically be interpreted as B natural instead of Bb..
I would still like a simple [# / b ] button for more chromatic writing.

A workaround I use is to select all, and if you have sharps and need flats, raise or lower them the score via arrow key a couple of steps and then lower them back. Sharps will change to flats. Do the reverse if you want sharps.


In reply to by xavierjazz


i tried this with an f# major scale. when i highlight the group of notes and press two up arrows and then two down arrows, all the sharps turn to flats except f#. when i transpose down then up, i get the same thing. on my computer (i'm using the windows version 0.9.5) there seems to be a convention that all input notes from a midi keyboard become sharp, but then when you transpose up and back down, or down and back up, all turn to flats except f#.

Obviously, there is a reason why (as you write) you are 'thinking flats'. It may be that, for instance you accompany the tune by a Bb chord of some kind, or you 'feel' the tune being in a flat key.

As a temporary solution (until MuseScore has such an algorhythm that could emulate the'feeling' of flat and sharp) could be to set up key signatures temporarily (eg. setting the key to Eb for those 3-4 given bars) , then delete the temporary key signature. In my experiments, the right accidentals appeared in the final score not using a key signature.

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