Two staves on the same line

• Apr 25, 2010 - 13:03


I want to put two staves on the same line, but I can't succed in finding this option in musescore. I've done it with lilypond, but coding lilypond score is really harder than using mscore, so if I could find this option in musescore, il will be really helpfull !

PS: I'm not sure to post in the right section :-/

Here is the lilypond code I've done to obtain two staves on the same line, if it can help...

\version "2.13.18"
\include ""

\header {
title = "Musique Modale"
% remove default footer
tagline = ##f

\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4")

%_/ NOTES SPACES -ONLY NOTES ARE ENTERING HERE \____________________________________________

modeRast = \relative c'
{ c4-\tweak #'staff-padding #2 ^\markup "Mode Rast" d eqf f g a bqf c \bar "|."}

modeRastBreton = \relative c'
{c4-\tweak #'staff-padding #2 ^\markup "Mode Rast Breton" d eqf fqs g a bqf c \bar "|." }

%______________/ PAGE, SCORE, STAVES SETTINGS \__________________________________________
\markup {
\new Staff \with {\remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
\layout {\context {\Score timing= ##f \override SystemStartBar #'collapse-height = #1 }}
\new Staff \with {\remove "Time_signature_engraver" } \modeRastBreton
\layout { \context {\Score timing= ##f \override SystemStartBar #'collapse-height = #1 }}


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