Problem to export to MusicXML on Mac OSX

• Aug 10, 2010 - 23:44


I have a problem with the MusicXML export.
The Musescore show this message: "Impossível de determinar o tipo de ficheiro". ( or in english, something like this: "impossible to determine the file type").

I use the Musescore Version / Revision 3280 for Mac OS X 10.6.4
Somebody can help me?


Can you explain more in details what you do?
Do you enter a filename with .xml ? Do you select MusicXML as the file type at the bottom of the dialog?
Is your mac PPC or Intel ?

it works here on Mac 10.6.4 with musescore
I choose the menu "File/Save as" and select music.xml there or music.xml (compressed).
The correct file ending is added automatically and I do not have any problems saving the files in that format.

In reply to by kbundies


My computer is a MacBook Pro 10.6.4 (intel).
I choose the menu "File/Save as" and select music.xml there or music.mxl
The compressed works, but the xml not!
I tried to install others versions off MuseScore, like 0.9.6 or MuseScoreNightly.
I cannot save to MusicXML in both versions.
Probably is a problem with my OSX. If anyone has this same problem and solved it... please, help me! :)


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