Select text in a score (system text or line text, does not matter) by mscore-2

• Mar 16, 2015 - 14:29

Having difficulties to select text in a system or line! Normally, I do this by double clicking on the start of the text, then dragging the mouse pointer to the desired text end.

Question: Why does a double/triple click on the text not work as in usual text processing programs (select the complete or partial text), for example if a text block exchange is needed? This is a common feature in text processing software and such a feature would make things a lot easier.

Please don't argue that mscore is not a text processing program :-)


OK, I won't argue, I'll just tell you how to select text :-)

- click in text at one point, shift+click at another to select between


- use "shift" while navigating normally (left/right, ctrl+left/right, home, end, etc) to select as you navigate

Both of these are pretty standard behaviors for text edsiting programs. But it's true we don't implement all the shortcuts in all programs. No reason someone couldn't come in and add that support, though - this is, after all, open source...

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