How to change the duration of a chord

• Apr 8, 2015 - 14:14

Hi, I'm almost new in MuseScore and I don't know how to change the duration of the chord I've inserted, I did wrong and I'd like to change its duration to a quarter (not a crotchet), in short the next rests in 1/32 should disappear and also the final of the measure (four crotchet) should shift of a crotchet to the left.

Thank you.

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To change the duration of a note or chord, just click it (while not in note entry mode) and press the button (or use the shortcut) for the desired duration.

But changing the duration of a note doesn't move other notes. If you also want to move other notes, you can do that, too, but it's unrelated. To move notes, select them, cut, click where you want to mvoe them to, paste.

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