repeats halfway bar

• Nov 21, 2010 - 19:06

It would be nice to be able to set repeat(bar)lines halfway the bars (for pieces with upbeats)
If it is already there, please link me :)
Take care, oNNo


In reply to by David Bolton

most things worked out so far.
Here is the tune i am working on:
I do not seem to be able to paste anything into the "8th" bar of the guitar staff. There is no rest in it either... Are the contents hidden in a way?
I would like to delete the top staff ("3") completely if I do so in the create instruments window, the voltas disapear...
Thanks in advance oNNo

(i use revisie: 3400 on Ubuntustudio 10.04 LTS - Lucid Lynx)

In reply to by aeLiXihr

The guitar 8th bar is not empty. It is bugged. A normal "empty" bar shows a rest.
To get rid of: select the 8th bar of another staff and insert one bar; in your case this measure is created as a half bar (see the bar properties), so correct it to be a normal one. Copy paste in this new bar the contents to be used . Select again the defectuous bar and delete it.

You could also select bar 9, insert (presumably a normal bar), and so on

As far as chords names are concerned, would be better not to use staff text, but Chords text (see the manual)

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