Distorted and laggy playback

• Jul 16, 2015 - 14:00

I have encountered a problem where at certain points in the playback of a score, sound output will be very distorted and will slow down to a fraction of the proper speed. Though occurring on only 2 of my many scores, it makes the sound output practically unusable. I have seen that issues like this have come up before and a common solution was to change the reverb values. I have done (or at least I have changed what I believe to be the reverb values, in View -> Mixer) this without any luck.
What can I try to solve this problem?

OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit
CPU: Intel i7-3630QM
MuseScore version: 2.0.0 revision 6e47f74

I have attached the score which I'm trying to work on and the playback problems occur the most on. It starts at the end of bar 2 and continues, interestingly, only until there is no acoustic guitar playing.

Attachment Size
Gaur Plain.mscz 22.19 KB


Also, the advice to change reverb mostly applied to older releases. I think that was due to a bug that is fixed in 2.0. Although it could be true that disabling reverb completely might help a little on systems with older CPU's or low RAM. As would changing to a smaller soundfont (see the section on Soundfont in the Handbook).

Realisticaly, though, it could just be some other process on your sysem hogging the CPU or otherwise interfering with MuseScore, and often a simple reboot clears it up.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well I updated MuseScore and rebooted, then opened my score. It played well without any issues, but then when I came back to it later (by then all my startup programs had started) the issue returned. I don't understand why this particular score would have trouble playing, or why any score has any problems playing. My computer is a pretty high end laptop, CPU and RAM usage is always low, so I don't see where the problem is. And the score I uploaded has, what, 4 instruments? I have worked with over 15 instruments on huge scores with hundreds of bars that play better than this one. I just can't comprehend where this issue is arising.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It does remain a mystery as I can't seem to find the source of the problem. After my last reply, I worked on the score for quite a while with no problems, but then later I came back to it and the lag and distortion had returned! I don't know what to make of it. Someone previously suggested changing soundfonts, can anyone point me to one than may perform better but without too much of a decrease in quality?

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