Playback isn't Working

• Jul 31, 2015 - 16:30

Today when I went into my score and tried to play it, the playback wouldn't work. I've tried multiple things, but nothing's worked. If you've had a similar problem, would you tell me how to fix it?


It is always a good idea to provide more information when asking for help - what version of MuseScore, what OS, attach the specific score you are having problems with. In this case, I can guess that maybe you just updated to a new version of MuseScore and have incompatible settings left over from a previous version, like if you installed into a different folder. In which case, following the instructions for "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbook.

If that doesn't fix it, please say what OS and what version of MuseScore, and tell us your settings in View / Synthesizer (what soundfont you see loaded) and Edit / Preferences / I/O.

In reply to by choirkid12

You tried "Revert to factory settings" and it didn't work? If so, then go to View / Synthesizer and see if you have any soundfonts listed, also press the "Add" button to see if any are available. Tell us what you see in those dialogs. Also go to Edit / Preferences and see what the Soundfont folder path is set to. Finally, tell the contents of Edit / Preferences / I/O.

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