import via command line different from gui

• Aug 19, 2015 - 13:38

When importing the attched file via the musescore GUI, the following warning appears:

Measure 72 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 17/8; Found: 12239/5760

However, when i run the import via command line

mscore Agr1001a.xml -o something.mid

the warning is not listed:

importMusicXml(0x2fe70a0, Agr1001a.xml)
Validation time elapsed: 2975 ms
importMusicXml() file 'Agr1001a.xml' is a valid MusicXML file
system distance 14.600000
ImportXml: warning: break on first measure
determineTupletBaseLen(0x57248d0) cannot divide count 5 by 3
determineTupletBaseLen(0x5725ae0) cannot divide count 2 by 3
determineTupletBaseLen(0x5765420) cannot divide count 25 by 3
ImportXml: warning: break on first measure
Parsing time elapsed: 102 ms
importMusicXml() return 0

Attachment Size
Agr1001a.xml 844.93 KB


The sanity check is not done when running on the command line.
If you need the check, you can run mscore yourfile.xml -o test.mlog to get the result of the sanity check.

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