Right Click Transposition

• May 9, 2011 - 00:22

So I write all of my music in musescore, but then I use demo versions of Finale to listen to them because of their better playback option. What I've found though that I really enjoy about Finale is the fact that when I have say an entire measure selectd I can just right click and the option to transpose is right there. I find this very useful rather than how currently in musescore one would have to select what they want transposed, then go the notes tab, click transpose and then choose how they want to transpose. Just a thought for user convenience :)


I agree, that could be a nice choice for the right click menu. But note you can assign keyboard shortcuts to most commands in MuseScore. I kind remember what the defaults were because I customized them, but I have Shift-T set to do transpose. Also, something MuseScore does that Finale doesn't - after selecting notes, you can simply hit the arrow keys to transpose up and down a step at a time, or ctrl-arrow to transpose an octave.

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