Musescore quits on pasting 4 bars

• Aug 25, 2011 - 17:35

I have attached the file I was working on at the time, together with the MusicXML file it originated from

I was working on transferring one of my compositions from Finale to Musescore, so the original file was a MusicXML import.

In order to get the layout correct I created a second set of keyboard staves and was copying and pasting the music one line at a time. The first blank line in the 2nd stave is the point at which MuseScore quit when I pasted the line from the fourth stave into it. I was able to replicate this error several times.

I don't know whether it is something to do with the XML import or nor.

I'm using MuseScore 1.0 on Ubuntu 11.04


Attachment Size
SarabandeOfTheNativity.mscz 13.83 KB
SarabandeOfTheNativity.xml 219.34 KB


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