Volta workings

• Jan 23, 2016 - 22:11

MS 2.0.2 & Win 7
I have an issue with a volta which I can't get to work as I want it.
Piece attached.
What I want to happen is play bars 1 to 8(which is the first time ending), skip bar9
play bars 10 to 18, go back to the beginning and do it again (bars 1-8, 10 to 18) then follow the
"DC al Fine" so play bars 1-7, skip 8 and play 9 and finish.

What I actually get is:
first time through, it plays bars 1-8 (ok) then plays bar 9 (Wrong, should skip, shouldn't it?)
plays bars 10 to 18 (correct)
repeat bars 1-8 and skip 9 (correct)
plays 10-18 (correct)
repeat 1-7 plus 9 (correct.)

I guess it's something to do with the Volta properties in bar 8, but I can't understand what it might be.
Any suggestions anyone?

Attachment Size
The First Psalm.mscz 26.52 KB


Voltas are for specifically meant for repeats with different endings. Which is to say, a first volta would always be followed by an end repeat sign. The usage you are attempting - asking the musicians to skip *forward* after a volta - isn't really standard. I mean, I'm sure some publisher somewhere has done this, and musicians might be able to guess the intended meaning, but if I saw that, I'd be just as likely to assume the editor simply forgot the end repeat afer measure 8, so I'd go ahead and repeat anyhow.

Anyhow, MuseScore only knows the standard usage of voltas - when they are placed at the end of repeated passages.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks marc, that explains it. I've just copied what the original has and it certainly does not surprise me at all, I've found (and corrected) all sorts of what I would call "non-standard" music in these old books. I'll just have to think of another way of writing the music so that I get what is needed.
Thanks for your help.

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