Creating a New Instrument? Writing Tabs for a Cigar Box Guitar.

• Feb 18, 2016 - 23:05

Hello To All,

I want to create a new instrument that I can use often without having to recreate every time I write a new piece of music.

Here's the problem.

I've taken to playing the cigar box guitar, and I want to start writing tabs along with lyrics for my new instrument.

I need a three line stave for the tabs.

I've learned how to load the tabs lines for an acoustic guitar, and how to alter the number of lines and tuning for those lines. The problem is that it takes time to set it up.

I need to create a template that I can load every time I write a new piece.

Is there an easy fix for this problem? I'm open to suggestions. All help is appreciated.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks for your reply. I was able to create a tab stave for cigar box guitar notation, and I did save it as a template in the template folder. It now shows up in "Custom Templates." It took me a long time to figure out everything I needed to do to make it right, but I feel good about my success. I uploaded the two templates I created to this site, so that others might not go through the same trouble.

This program has a learning curve, but it does have some amazing capabilities once you figure them out.

Attachment Size
musescorepic.png 125.05 KB
CBG with Voice.mscz 6.98 KB
cigar box guitar tab.mscz 3.83 KB

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