Display lags during playback

• Jun 16, 2016 - 16:43

I have a score from musescore 1.? that I opened into 2.0.3 rev 3c76a9d.
There were a lot of issues with measures being longer than expected, and sometimes, visually, one voice would be displayed after another voice even though they were concurrent. I fixed these issues, and looking at the score, everything looks fine, but when I play the score, the blue bar that shows where we are in the score does not keep up with the playback, and is rarely positioned on the beat (one of my instruments is a metronome, blue bar does not fall on the quarter notes.) Also, if I stop playback, then start from a measure near the end, the bar is still lagging behind the playback.


In order to help, we would need you to attach the score you are having problems with (see File Attachments link right below where you type).

It is possible you are seeing the effect of a known bug involving the Navigator that causes a slowdown in cases where it just on the edge of being able to fit all the pages of your score on the screen. Making it a little bigger or a little smaller - or hiding it entirely - would fix it if so.

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