problems with Da segno a Coda

• Oct 30, 2016 - 22:50

Hi,I created a score with a Coda and a repeat.
The segno is before the repeat.
In the repeat,there are two Voltas that works properly the first time is played.
When the program comes back for the segno,it plays the part out of the volta,the first volta and the second one,without repeating the second time the part out of the volta.
How can I repeat this part like the first time that is played?

P.S.: English is not my original language,and I have some problems with technical names,so if I'm not clear,please let me know.


Normally "dal segno" or "da capo" means to play this part again without repeats. For the reader of your score you should clarify it with a text like "dal segno with repeats" or "dal segno con rep."

In Musescore 2.0.3 it isn't able to activate the repeats in the playback with "d.s." (probably in one of the next versions...).

Sometimes there works a workaround, so share/attache your score for further help.

In reply to by kuwitt

This reminds me of another little thing: You have voltas, the repeat is turned off. Now play back and the system plays the first volta, then omits the repeat and plays the second volta and on from there. It ought to skip the first volta though.

It seems that this happened in this case as well in the da capo play back: It did not repeat (the way it should as this is common practice), but it still played the first volta rather than omitting it.

Edited for clarity

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