program is operating down to a crawl

• Jul 19, 2012 - 21:05

Okay folks, I am arranging a symphonic orchestral score to symphonic band. There are 33 staves in the score, and I am up to measure 430, and I am about half way through.

Is there some way to speed Musescore up to where it was when I started the project? It is now slowed down so much it takes about 30 seconds to input one measure of 4/4 consisting of half note, dotted qtr, and an eighth note.

Thanks for everyone's help,


Unfortunatly only two ways for the moment :
- Get a faster computer, more CPU.
- Start a new score for the next 400 measures and glue them together later.

What computer are you using ?
How much RAM does it have?
What is the CPU speed?
Do you have other programs running?
Which version of Musescore? I hope you are running the latest version 1.2 ?

If you are running Windows can you run the Task Manager to observe the Memory usage of musescore?

Could you post the score so other people can download and test the performance of Musescore?
I am not sure of the size of the biggest scores that have been created with Musescore.

In reply to by harris128

I opened the score on my HP Windows machine
Intel Quad CPU 2.5 GHz 4GB Ram.

When Musescore started (according to TaskManager) it was using 65M RAM.
After I opened your score it was using 169M. I scrolled to the end of your score
and started entering notes into a measure. My machine took about 3 - 4 seconds to refresh the display after adding a note.
By now, the memory usage was 189MB.

I can only assume there are some complex data structures created at run time to contain the score!


In reply to by ozcaveman


Thanks for your input. I thought that might be the problem also. I saved the 430 measures, and started a new score at 431 and everything is again nice and fast.

Now if I can just figure out how to splice the two together digitally.


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