Guitar TAB

• Sep 18, 2012 - 18:40

Hi all,
finding musescore very useful, many thanks to all the developers.
Using tab in the nightly builds I find that music pasted from elsewhere is often not on the best string choices. It would be very useful indeed to be able to select several notes at once and change their string assignment simultaneously.

Graham Jones


Have you tried doing just that? Selecting several notes ([Ctrl]+click]) and moving up or down a string with [Ctrl][Up]/[Down]? Of course, there has to be a free string above or below to move to.

Also, can you give some examples or guidelines for improving the fret assignment algorithm (possibly keeping in mind that TAB's are not used only for guitars...) ?


In reply to by Miwarre

I have now - Doh! Oh joy! Thank you.
I need to learn more about how the program works before making suggestions, but off the cuff I think the clue is in the question there - folky or jazzy guitarists or banjo players may prefer prioritizing e.g. open strings or shapes in the middle of the fret numbers etc. so the option of a few different choices as well as a default seems preferable.


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