Comodo detects ReadReg.exe as Suspicious@#1pjbssbu3nriu

• Jan 20, 2013 - 22:21

I have had the latest version (1.2) installed for about 4 days now. Prior to installing this software, I have not installed any new programs for awhile. So...

Starting about 3 hours after I installed the MuseScore software, Comodo started reporting a program was acting suspicious. It was called ReadReg.exe. Each time ReadReg.exe was detected the executable was found in a different directory in my temp folder.

Some examples are:
C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\Local Settings\Temp\CDM\{F0FCBEDF-C6b9-474c-A068-207Ac575C0D9}\Common\i386\ReadReg.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\Local Settings\Temp\CDM\{1AECDF36-4212-4F01-BC93-1BC123D9F934}\Common\i386\ReadReg.exe

My hope here is that this behavior is behavior by design of the MuseScore software program and that Comodo just has no clue yet that this software behavior is safe and to not complain when the software attempts to perform this action.

Could someone clarify for me if this is expected behavior of the MuseScore software and that I should submit this action/behavior to Comodo so they will not flag this in the future.

In the mean time, I have uninstalled the software and Comodo has not complained yet.

Thank You


A little digging on Google has unearthed the information that ReadReg.exe is associated with Creative applications.

Is your soundcard a Creative Soundblaster or similar??

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Yes, it is a Creative Live 5.1. Using the Microsoft provided Windows XP device drivers.

I have used this same sound card, Windows XP, Comodo combination for years. Not sure why Comodo would start complaining about this setup now.

Since this MuseScore program interacts with my sound card. ie: outputs audio. Is their any chance that the way MuseScore interacts with my sound card could be causing the ReadReg.exe program to misbehave?

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