GSoC 2017 - Startup Wizard - Weekly Report 1 - Jun 4th

Posted 7 years ago


For implementing my project idea, the first step that I want to complete is identifying the user’s keyboard layout. To do this, I will use the user’s locale to establish the user’s language and then present the user with a list of the most commonly used layouts in that language. The user can then choose his layout from this list. For instance, if the user’s locale is en-US then the list would contain the following options: QWERTY, AZERTY, DVORAK. The list would also contain an option OTHER that lets the user choose from all possible keyboard layouts in case the user’s layout is not present in the list.

Key Accomplishments Last Week:

  1. Gained more familiarity with the code-base, explored important files such as shortcut.cpp, shortcutcapturedialog.cpp, etc.
  2. Established a method to identify the user’s keyboard layout.
  3. Implemented a rudimentary input system that presents the user with a list of layouts to choose from (using QListWidget).

Key Tasks That Stalled:

  1. Finalizing the list of keyboard layouts. The list of keyboard layouts presented to the user needs to cover all possible options for this implementation to work.
  2. Aesthetics. The display of the list and buttons the user clicks to choose his layout needs to be more elegant and organized.

Tasks in the Upcoming Week:

  1. Finalize the list of keyboard layouts. Find a comprehensive list online and use it in the implementation. Establish a method to append to this list if necessary.
  2. Complete the process taking input from the user. Initially cover the most commonly used languages on MuseScore and later extend this to all possible languages.
  3. In case the user does not what a keyboard layout is, add a quick “help” button that explains the required details to the user.


Can you place a link to your GitHub repo?
Edit: thanks, but what I really meant was a link to your work-in-progress branch on Github. I don't see any yet though, so it seems you haven't push any?