
• Apr 2, 2013 - 21:10

just like in Finale, I would like to have this feature:
When I enter a second voice, the "first" voice already entered becomes grey

Also, I would like to hide (toggle) notes or rest with a shortcut - pressing H for instance

Why? Musescore places the rests over the first voice and the score becomes a mess.

Thank you


Yeah, greying out notes in other voices during nte entry was a nice feature in Finale. I'd forgotten about that. Seems that would be easy enough to implement if someone were looking were looking for a programming project to get acquainted with the MuseScore code...

A shortcut to flip visibility is already implemented for 2.0. As is better vertical positioning of rests in a multi-voice context. So these collisions don't happen in the first place.

But note that for 1.X, you should never use hiding rests as the solution to these collisions. In most cases, the rests need to be displayed in order the notation to be correct and readable. Only hide rests if you npinderstand the rules and are ansolutely positive this is is one of the rare cases where hiding them is correct. In most ases, you should leave the rest visible, but simlly move it up or down: double click, arrow keys.

In reply to by Shoichi

thanx, Shoichi
look at the fourth measure, the rest is over the F note of the second voice on the "male" system
that's what I meant by a mess
Think about a Cantata by Bach where the Continuum has three or four voices... so many rests over the other voices notes become a clutter...

In reply to by alfreedogoomez

Yes, and as I said, this already happens in 2.0, so that's good news.

Meanwhile, moving a note out of the way temporarily does indeed sometimes turn out to be necessary. Often, though, simply zooming in is all you really need. i find quarter rests are usually pretty east to grad once I've zoomed in. Eight and half rests are more likely to need the note-moving workaround.

Vocal music that is mostly monophonic (all voices in same rhythm) but occasionally requires one voice to have two eighths where the others are just a quarter is one of the exceptions I referred to where you don't have to show the rests. Now, I'd imagine that comes up more in Bach chorales than cantatas, but either way, if this is the texture you are looking at, then indeed, hiding rests is fine.

So between 2.0 automatically positioning rests better and making it easier to hide things when appropriate, I think it will be welcomed by people writing for choirs (and piano). Meanwhile, you have to make do with the workarounds.

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