Muted Snare Drum Notation
I have a passage in a piece I'm working on that requires a muted snare drum. I'm not sure how this is traditionally shown in drum notation, can anyone tell me? Accurate playback isn't important, I just want it to look like it would in a published piece.
I searched your title and found this. I think it helps.
In reply to I searched your title and by xavierjazz
Yeah, looks like I just put a "+" above the muted notes. Thanks!
Okay, now I can't get Musescore to put the + where I want it. Here's the passage I need it for:

The bottom notes are the muted snare in voice 2. I want the +'s to go under the stems instead of on top. I tried editing the general style to get it to do so, but it didn't work. Is there a way to do this?
In reply to Okay, now I can't get by AvenueQ
I can't help you with that, but I know someone will very shortly. It's an important facility. It's a good get.
In reply to Okay, now I can't get by AvenueQ
I think you'll have to drag it. Looks like 2.0 will default to markings going outside in this situation, so that will be good
In reply to I think you'll have to drag by Marc Sabatella
Ugh, all right. At least that pattern gets repeated a lot, so I can just copy and paste.
In reply to Ugh, all right. At least that by AvenueQ
Using lyric text for the '+' .
Set parameters:
Musescore menu item Style / edit general style / Page / Lyrics upper margin will change the '+' distance to staff.
Musescore menu item Style / edit text style / Lyrics will change the font and size of the '+'.
See attachment.