2.0 - Application fontsize

• Jul 25, 2013 - 16:46

All menue texts on screen are very tiny in 2.0
Missing a setup in preferences for application fontsize like in 1.3.
Or - is it a problem with my windows XP ???


In reply to by Rudi cj7tb

It's kind of hard to tell because the screen shot is so low resolution, but it looks like the palette and dialog text is a *little* small compared to how it looks on my system or how it looked on 1.3, but just maybe off by a single point size (like 8 instead of 9 or something). What happens if you go to Edit / Workspaces and choose a different option?

In reply to by Rudi cj7tb

If you go to Edit / Workspaces, you should see a series of radio buttons. Whichever one is currently selected, just try a different one. Not saying that will do anything, but it might. I seem to have something going on with my system where the "default" workspace doesn't work, but the others do.

I'm guessing maybe you are perceiving there to be a big difference between 2.0 and 1.3 because maybe you had previously customized your 1.3 installation to use larger than the default fonts. To my eyes, the defaults look pretty much identical.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I just did some tests in WIN XP setups for display.
This afects only the main menue size and pulldown menues or popups in 2.0

Radio-buttons in workspace changes cue and content of pallets
but they have no effect for the fontsize.

In 1.3 it was possible to change font / fontsize for all - menue - pop-ups - pallets etc.
in Preferences - Application font

Can we have this setup option again in 2.0 ?

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