Režimy vkládání not

Aktualizováno před před 6 roky
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Režimy vkládání not.

    From version 2.1, you can enter notation using one of several new note input modes—in addition to the pre-existing V krocích a Změna výšky tónu modes. These are accessed by clicking a small dropdown arrow next to the note entry button on the note input toolbar.

    Note entry modes

    V krocích

    This is the method of note entry that MuseScore has had from the beginning. You enter notes in Step-time mode by choosing a duration using the mouse or keyboard, and then choosing a pitch using the mouse, keyboard, MIDI keyboard or virtual piano.

    For details see Basic note entry.

    Změna výšky tónu

    Režim změny výšky tónu umožňuje opravit výšky tónů řady not, zatímco jsou jejich doby trvání ponechány nezměněny (neplést s Posuvka: Zkontrolovat posuvky).

    1. Vyberte notu jako výchozí bod
    2. Pokud používáte verzi programu pre-2.1, stiskněte N pro vstoupení do režimu vkládání not. Tento krok je od verze 2.1 dál volitelný.
    3. Vyberte volbu Změna výšky tónu ve vysouvací nabídce Vkládání not ( nebo pro verze pre-2.1 v nástrojovém panelu pro vkládání not); nebo použijte klávesovou zkratku Ctrl+Shift+I (Mac: Shift+Cmd+I).
    4. Nyní pomocí klávesnice, klávesnice MIDI nebo klávesnice virtuálního klavíru zadejte výšky tónů.

    Funkci Změna výšky tónu také můžete použít na vytvoření nového úryvku ze stávajícího téže řady dob trvání — zkopírování a vložením posledně uvedeného, potom použitím Změna výšky tónu.


    Rhythm mode allows you to enter durations with a single keypress. Combining Rhythm and Re-pitch modes makes for a very efficient method of note entry.

    1. Select your starting point in the score and enter Rhythm mode.
    2. Select a duration from the note input toolbar, or press a duration shortcut (numbers 1-9) on your computer keyboard. A note will be added to the score with the selected duration. In contrast to Basic note entry, pressing the . key will toggle dotting or not dotting all subsequent durations. All following rhythms will be dotted until the . key is pressed again. Unlike Basic note entry, the dot is to be pressed prior to entering the rhythm.
    3. Entering rests is similar to adding dotted notes. Press the 0 key to toggle entering rests. All rhythms entered will be rests until the 0 key is pressed again. This can be used concurrently with dotted notes.
    4. Continue pressing duration keys to enter notes with the chosen durations.
    5. Now use Re-pitch mode to set the pitches of the notes you just added.

    Ve skutečném čase (automaticky)

    The Real-time modes basically allow you to perform the piece on a MIDI keyboard (or MuseScore's virtual piano keyboard) and have the notation added for you. However, you should be aware of the following limitations which currently apply:

    • It is not possible to use a computer keyboard for Real-time input
    • You cannot enter tuplets or notes shorter than the selected duration
    • You cannot enter notes into more than one voice at a time

    However, these restrictions mean that MuseScore has very little guessing to do when working out how your input should be notated, which helps to keep the Real-time modes accurate.

    In the automatic version of Real-time input, you play at a fixed tempo indicated by a metronome click. You can adjust the tempo by changing the delay between clicks via EditPreferences...Note Input (Mac: MuseScorePreferences...Note Input).

    1. Select your starting position in the score and enter Real-time (automatic) mode.
    2. Select a duration from the note input toolbar.
    3. Press and hold a MIDI key or virtual piano key (a note will be added to the score).
    4. Listen for the metronome clicks. With each click the note grows by the selected duration.
    5. Release the key when the note has reached the desired length.

    The score stops advancing as soon as you release the key. If you want the score to continue advancing (e.g. to allow you to enter rests) then you can use the Real-time Advance shortcut to start the metronome.

    Ve skutečném čase (ručně)

    In the manual version of Real-time input, you have to indicate your input tempo by tapping on a key or pedal, but you can play at any speed you like and it doesn't have to be constant. The default key for setting the tempo (called "Real-time Advance") is Enter on the numeric keypad (Mac: fn+Return, but it is highly recommended that you change this to a MIDI key or MIDI pedal (see below).

    1. Select your starting position in the score and enter Real-time (automatic) mode.
    2. Select a duration from the note input toolbar.
    3. Press and hold a MIDI key or virtual piano key (a note will be added to the score).
    4. Press the Real-time Advance key. With each press the note grows by the selected duration.
    5. Release the note when it has reached the desired length.

    Zkratka pro postup ve skutečném čase

    Zkratka pro Postup ve skutečném čase is used to tap beats in manual Real-time mode, or to start the metronome clicks in automatic Real-time mode. It is called "Real-time Advance" because it causes the input position to more forward, or "advance", through the score.

    The default key for Real-time Advance is Enter on the numeric keypad (Mac: fn+Return, but it is highly recommended that you assign this to a MIDI key or MIDI pedal via MuseScore's MIDI remote control. The MIDI remote control is available via Preferences > Note Input.

    Alternatively, if you have a USB footswitch or computer pedal which can simulate keyboard keys, you could set it to simulate Enter on the numeric keypad.

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