
Updated 6 Jahren ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Kommandozeilenoptionen.

    You can launch MuseScore from the command line by typing

    • mscore [options] [filename] (Mac and Linux)
    • MuseScore.exe [options] [filename] (Windows)

    [options] and [filename] are optional. For this to work the MuseScore executable must be in %PATH% (Windows) resp. $PATH (Mac and Linux). If it is not, see Revert to factory settings for detailed instructions on how and where to find and execute the MuseScore executable from the command line on the various supported platforms.

    The following options are available

    -?, -h, --help
    Display help (doesn't work on Windows)
    -v, --version
    Displays MuseScore's current version in the command line without starting the graphical interface (doesn't work on Windows)
    Displays MuseScore's current version and revision in the command line without starting the graphical interface (doesn't work on Windows)
    -d, --debug
    Starts MuseScore in debug mode
    -L, --layout-debug
    Starts MuseScore in layout debug mode
    -s, --no-synthesizer
    Disables the integrated software synthesizer
    -m, --no-midi
    Disables MIDI input
    -a, --use-audio <driver>
    Use audio driver: jack, alsa, pulse, portaudio
    -n, --new-score
    Starts with the new score wizard regardless of preference setting for start mode
    -I, --dump-midi-in
    Displays all MIDI input on the console
    -O, --dump-midi-out
    Displays all MIDI output on the console
    -o, --export-to <filename>
    Exports the currently opened file to the specified <filename>. The file type depends on the filename extension. This option switches to the "converter" mode and avoids any graphical interface. You can also add a filename before the -o if you want to import and export files from the command line. For example mscore -o "My Score.pdf" "My Score.mscz"
    -r, --image-resolution <dpi>
    Determines the output resolution for the output to PNG images in the converter mode. The default resolution is taken from Preferences, Export, PNG/SVG.
    -T, --trim-image <margin>
    Trims exported PNG and SVG images to remove surrounding whitespace around the score. The specified number of pixels of whitespace will be added as a margin; use 0 for a tightly cropped image. For SVG, this option works only with single-page scores.
    -x, --gui-scaling <factor>
    Scales the score display and other GUI elements by the specified factor, for use with high resolution displays.
    -D, --monitor-resolution <dpi>
    Specify monitor resolution, for use with high resolution displays (as of version 2.1).
    -S, --style <style>
    Loads a style file; useful when you convert with the -o option
    -p, --plugin <name>
    Execute the named plugin
    Save template mode, no page size
    -F, --factory-settings
    Use only the standard built-in presets or "factory-settings" and delete preferences. For details, see Konfiguration zurücksetzen
    -R, --revert-settings
    Use only the standard built-in presets or "factory-settings", but do not delete preferences
    -i, --load-icons
    Load icons from the file system. Useful if you want to edit the MuseScore icons and preview the changes
    -j, --job <filename>
    Process a conversion job (as of version 2.1)
    -e, --experimental
    Enable experimental features. See e.g. Layer (experimental)
    -c, --config-folder <pathname>
    Set config path
    -t, --test-mode
    Enable test mode
    -M, --midi-operations <filename>
    Specify MIDI import operations file; See this example file: midi_import_options.xml
    -w, --no-webview
    No web view in Start Center
    -P, --export-score-parts
    Used with -o <filename>.pdf, export score and parts
    Don't use Bravura as fallback musical font
    -f, --force
    Used with -o, ignore warnings reg. score being corrupted or from wrong version (as of version 2.1)
    -b, --bitrate <bitrate>
    Used with -o <filename>.mp3, sets bitrate in kbps (as of version 2.1)
    -E, --install-extension <extension file>
    Install an extension, load soundfont as default unless if -e is passed too (as of version 2.3)

    Qt Toolkit Options

    -style= <style>
    -style <style>
    Determines the style of the GUI application. Possible values are "motif", "windows" and "platinum". Depending on the platform other styles may be available
    -stylesheet= <stylesheet>
    -stylesheet <stylesheet>
    Sets the application stylesheet. The value of "stylesheet" is a path to a file that contains the stylesheet
    -platform <platformname[:options]>
    Specifies the Qt Platform Abstraction (QPA) plugin.
    Example: MuseScore.exe -platform windows:fontengine=freetype

    See also

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