Error with opening MuseScore on Chromebook

• Jul 17, 2020 - 16:24

So I have this chrome book, and I installed the linux cirstini emulator, and I followed the steps to get it to work very carefully, but something happens which is a little confusing. When I'm installing the AppImage, this message appears:

findlib: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/home/yufni/MuseScore-3.4.2-x86_64.AppImage: Using fallback for library ''

and then it proceeds to open the app but with disgusting glitching and black screen errors, which make the app unable to be used. Is there any way to fix this? I already disabled the Crostini Gpu Support at flags, and it didn't do anything, please help me!


The messages you see in the terminal window are perfectly normal, not related to the screen glitchiness.

What version of Chrome OS are you on? 81 was extremely problematic for Linux apps, 83 mostly fixed the problems, but the black screen issue remains in some cases if you don't disable Crostini GPU support. Are you sure you have that disabled? And you restarted the system after turning it off? For me at most I see a black screen briefly during startup but then it is fine.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ooooh, I see! So that's normal....

Yeah, I'm 100% sure I disabled it. I also restarted my device and it kept doing it. I have OS 83.
So, I actually uninstalled it and then installed the beta 3.5 version (I was using the latest 3.4.x version before) and it now works perfectly! I'm not sure if it was because of the change in versions or something, but it now works! Thank you so very much Marc, you're awesome, and I love the fact that you're so active in the community. Thank you!!!!

In reply to by okissanh

You're welcome! Mysterious, because 3.4.2 also works for me, but I won't complain if the update fixed it for you!

BTW, the one thing that I find useful above and beyond what's in the instructions is to edit the "desktop" file that is created when you run the "install" step (and I strong recommend that step even though the instructions call it optional. If you run the "install" normally, the desktop file is installed in ~/.local/share/applications. Edit it with your favorite text editor and change the "Application" line to read just "MuseScore 3" instead of the longer name there already. If you do this, then you should get the correct icon on your shelf when you run MuseScore, and you can even pin it to the shelf to make it really easy to start MuseScore later. At least, for me neither of those things work right without that change to the desktop file. It's still not totally clear if that's a problem for everyone or not.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Huh, weird stuff indeed!

Maybe I should try that, cause now another problem's happening. When I close my Chromebook and turn it back on, all the sound in MuseScore stops working. The app works perfectly, but all sound is missing. And only in the app, as other things such as YouTube work perfectly fine. It gets fixed if I restart the computer, so it's not life of death kinda problem, but I'm reporting it either way!

In reply to by okissanh

I occasionally find the sound stops as well, but not every time I close it, nowhere near that often. Are you sure it's literally every time? If so, I guess there could be some audio drive glitch on that particular model. How about if you go to Edit / Preferences / I/O and hit the "Restart Audio and MIDI Devices" button, then OK?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Okay, I've had the opportunity to try it out more, and yeah, it's not every single time I close it, it was just a couple of bad luck runs! I haven't had the chance to try doing that yet, but I hope it works! If not, don't worry, restarting the Chromebook is super easy ha ha! Thank you so much for all the support! I really appreciate, take care Marc!

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