I need help with the guitar tabs/ayuda con la tabs de guitarra

• Aug 18, 2020 - 05:14

I need to know how to write like this in the program, just like this, but i cant find the way to do it
Necesito ayuda sobre como escribir de esta forma en el programa aun no encuentro la forma de hacerlo, necesito que quede tal y como demostre en la foto, es importante que sea como en la foto.


Pardon me for only answering in English. There are things I'm not sure how to say in Spanish.

Your picture is of a standard clef, not a tablature clef. On the stems with no notes, the note heads only have been made invisible.

The easiest way to do this is to click a note on the first chord then shift+click a note in the last chord. Right click any selected note head and choose Select>All similar elements in range selection then press v to make all of the selected note heads invisible.

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