Saving the PAN settings for the instruments of a song

• Sep 4, 2020 - 10:41


I would like to arrange the pan setting of the instruments in my song. This is easily done by going to Mixer and moving the Pan slider for each instrument to left or right depending on which instruments thatI want to hear from which stereo speaker (L or R). But how do I save the Pan settings for this song that I have just set. If I close the song down and reopen the pan settings are lost (everything is reset to the middle i.e. 64) ?




a me funziona benissimo; imposto i parametri nel Mixer, salvo il file e quando lo riapro trovo i parametri come li avevo impostati. Purtroppo non so aiutarti.
La versione di MuseScore è 3.5
Il mio sistema è Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

Indeed you'd need to save the score after you changed those settings in Mixer, not just close it (basically repeating what Claudio wrote).

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