I have somehow bloated this score

• Sep 13, 2020 - 18:35

The image in the score is only 92 KB but somehow the score is 941 KB.

Any ideas what I've done?

Attachment Size
Guitar Neck.png 91.52 KB
Tab Staff 2.mscz 940.12 KB


There are 10 different images contained within that MSCZ file (it's just a ZIP archive, you can open it yourself in any ZIP program to see for yourself). I can see the score itself only currently uses the one image (the MSCX file within the archive shows only one "image" tag. So I am guessing you added images and deleted them, but MuseScore leaves them in the MSCZ file. That seems like a bug if so.

Meanwhile, a good solution in general should this happen again would be to explicitly save as MSCX, then load that and save as MSCZ.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, I'll do that.

I messed about with various crops of the image to get it optimised for the score. Then there was quite a bit of fiddling to get the score measures matched to fret widths by using the stretch options. Are measure widths settable via the MSCZ?

I'll produce a replication path for a bug submission.

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