Repeat issue

• Oct 5, 2020 - 02:35

I am trying to structure a repeated section where the last measure of the repeat is only played during the first occurrence while the second occurrence skips that measure and plays the one beyond the repeated section.
See example attached where I was hoping to have measure 9 played in the 1st occurrence while the repeat would skip it and go to measure 10,

Instead, MuseScore (version 3.5.0) ignores the repeat altogether and plays 1 throu 9, then 10 then to the end.

I am obviousy doing something wrong, but then this structure is common: for example, it is used in Chick Corea's Children's Song No 17 that was just published.

Attachment Size
Sample Repeat.mscz 4.93 KB
Sample Repeat.jpg 88.48 KB


You need to have the Play repeats button on the toolbar pressed. It's the one that looks like a repeat barline. If it's already pressed, toggle it off then back on to fix it. There is currently a bug that when you switch to continuous view repeats are disabled until you switch back to page view an toggle play repeats. This will be fixed in 3.5.1.

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