
• Oct 11, 2020 - 17:54

Under what circumstances does the setting work: Format/Style->Autoplace min. distance?
(distance from?)


You mean in the Slurs section of the dialog. Should work in all circumstances. Set it to 3sp and ll slurs will be placed at least 3sp from the notes they cover.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The input is this conversation:…
To obtain this modification, with "Inspector", I changed the Y displacement to -1,50
The question is: how is it possible that this variation will remain so even for subsequent changes ???? without having to intervene every time?
Does not seem to apply via Format/Style...

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legaTest.mscz 14.19 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

Hmm, it seems maybe this is someone who wants to move the slurs closer to the notes? I don't think that is supported. This setting for creating additional distance on top of the standard amount. If they wish non-st6andard spacing so the slur actually overlaps the notes, they need to move them individually.

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