Play back volume weak in some measures, why?

• Nov 2, 2020 - 20:53

I have a great use and pleasure of using MuseScore, in classical song training/ rehearsal.
When I have written a piece, some of the measures are played back in a lower volume on my midi piano.
I did not add any dynamics, are only controlling the volume from the mixer (F10)
Great if anybody can explain why, and what to do so the volume will be the same for the whole piece?
Cheers from
Martin/ tenor/ Denmark


In reply to by Kortenor

For bars 1-2 and part of bar 3, the Velocity of each note is at the default value of zero. After the rest in bar 3, each note has a different Velocity set explicitly. That's why the volume varies. Check in the Inspector to see how Velocity changes over the final bars.

In reply to by DanielR

Hi DanielR.

I'm getting more and more surprised and impressed over how many features MuseScore offers.

When I first read your suggestion, with my best shool english knowledge, I thought that velocity is tranlated to speed in danish "hastighed" but in the danish Inspector window there is no field with "Hastighed"


First I must learn what "vvelocity means when the talk is about a piano/ music.
Wikki have the answer:
Keyboard expression is the ability of a keyboard musical instrument to change tone or other qualities of the sound in response to velocity, pressure or other variations in how the performer depresses the keys of the musical keyboard. Expression types include:

Velocity sensitivity—how fast or hard the keys are pressed
Aftertouch, or pressure sensitivity — the amount of pressure on a key, once already held down
Displacement sensitivity—distance that a key is pressed down
Keyboard instruments offer a range of expression types. Acoustic pianos, such as upright and grand pianos, are velocity-sensitive—the faster the key strike, the harder the hammer hits the strings.

So now I learned a second meaning of the word velocity, A musical expression "velocity", in danish the used words in MuseScore is "anslagstype" & "anslagsstyrke"

So far so good, now there´s light at the end of the tunnel.
I clicked the link Jpjo Schmidt sugested and did as described.

So as Einstein said: "Now everything works, and nobody knows why"

Thank you very much to you both for the help, excellent teamwork.
Stay healthy and happy.

Over & out

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