Syncing video to MuseScore 3.5 with Jack and XJadeo

• Jan 5, 2021 - 05:00

I'm trying to sync video in MuseScore, using Jack and XJadeo, and not making much progress. I'm aware of these two threads on the topic:

The first link above seems to offer a workaround, but I'm looking ideally for an in-program solution. I want my students to use MuseScore for film scoring projects, and if the solution involves a fairly technical workaround I fear this may result in more problems than it solves.

My question, then -- is MuseScore 3.5 now compatible with Jack and XJadeo to sync video? Thus far, I haven't been able to make it work -- Jack doesn't seem to detect MuseScore on its patchbay, and XJadeo won't allow me to select Jack as a syncing option (it always defaults to "none" when I try and select Jack).


A bit more detail -- I'm using Windows 10, latest version of MuseScore (3.5.2.x) and have installed the 64bit versions of Jack and XJadeo.

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