How do I create a template for my apple keyboard to fit along the top row of keys to aid note input?

• Feb 2, 2021 - 11:33


I have a paper (tatty) handwritten piece of paper (see image) and I would like to print one a piece of stiffer card. Has anyone made one and has a template available?
Many thanks, apologies if I am in the wrong area.

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IMG_5095 copy.jpg 78.61 KB

In reply to by glevis46

But it should be easy to create with MuseScore. Some suggestions, I didn't check it: Insert the desired notes, use staff text for the numbers, if necessary, change the horizontal offset for the chord inside the inspector, right click->instrument/staff properties... and select invisible barlines and deselect show time signature, key signature and clef; also if necessary use the image capture to save it as png or svg, or decrease/increase the scaling in page settings before.

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