Midi ticks per beat problem

• Mar 11, 2021 - 05:47

I have a large number of midi scores saved from another software. These files were saved at 120 ticks per beat where Musescore is set to 480. When I import them the notation is displayed as much more complex than the original score ever was. Nontuplets and 64th note rests which I never use is my scores. Is there a setting that will allow me to import these scores without distorting the notation? I have tried the normalize function on multiple settings but it doesn't fix the problem. Any suggestions?


Did you quantize the tracks in your sequencer? If so, then they should come come through with the same rhythms. If you didn't quanitze, then MuseScore is presumably simply showing you a more accurate rendition of what is in your file than what the software you were using was able to show. If you attach an actual MIDI file, we may be able to help you tweak the import settings to get the results you want even with an un-quantized file, but if you can quantize in the other program first, that's usually better.

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