
• Mar 27, 2021 - 08:40

Dear All,

first time poster here!

I am sure this topic has been discussed before, so my apologies for repeating beaten paths! I am not getting my head around the use of codas. I have the famous ,Black Orpheus' notes edited in Musescore and there's a jump from coda to coda in the original music sheet from bar 31 to 33. I put the codas at the respective measures, but Musescore wouldn't jump, instead, it plays to the end of bar 32 and only then proceeds to bar 33. Attached is the mscz file of Black Orpheus the way I set it up.

I'd be grateful if someone could point me to the proper use of the coda signs. Thanks in advance

Attachment Size
Black_Orpheus.mscz 19.71 KB


  1. The first thing would be to remove the first plain "coda" and place a "To Coda" marking in the score instead. You can double click such a "To Coda" after it's been added to change the text to read whichever you want, including using special characters to make it look like a single coda symbol.

  2. The next thing is a missing Jump instruction; one can only go to coda if you have a "D.S/C al Coda" triggering that behavior.

=> In Conclusion: The score as you've written it now, either doesn't require the repeats, but a DS al Coda; or doesn't require a jump, but uses the normal repeats and voltas instead.

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks for the swift reply!

In your suggestion, the whole note of bar 31 is left out and it plays a double note in the second volta. The original notes include playing the whole note of bar 31 and combining it with the half note of bar 33 to extend it to seven beats.

Can that be arranged?

Thanks for input!

In reply to by SailorLU

I worked on the notation you provided, so your coda marking was off in that score as well ;-)

Tying over Jumps is pretty much unheard of in standard classical notation; into volta's is rather common. So I'd advise you to work from the volta version and have a look at for methods on how to write this out within MuseScore. (MuseScore doesn't support this out of the box yet)

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