[MusicXML import] Color of lyrics not loaded

• Feb 18, 2021 - 12:42

Regarding the attached minimal musicxml file created with the nightly appimage (3.6.2 / 2ba915f).
On creation, the lyrics text is colored as expected and saved in the exported uncompressed musicxml file. But opening this file only shows the text in black.

Is there any help? I can also file a bug report if appropriate.
Please do not hesitate to ask for further information.

Thank you

Attachment Size
red.musicxml 8.75 KB


I apologize if I'm pushing.

The mentioned bug still appears, for any tested number of lyric lines, in the latest nightly (3.6.2 / 3c4df6a / 27.03.2021).
As far as I understand the linked pull request 6021 in the issue #303422 is merged, but not expected to fix this.
Is there any other option for me, apart from just waiting or trying really hard to fix this myself?

Thank you!

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