no time signature or bars?

• Apr 27, 2021 - 13:20

Is there a way to write in musescore using no time signature or bars ala Satie? I have a piece right now in 6/4 and would like to change it to no time signature but can't see how to do it.


You can switch off the (visibility of a) time signature in staff properties.
And you can jound measures fir Toole > Measures > Joind selected measurtes or set its actual duration via measure properties

In reply to by biffer55

Oh boy... this is antediluvian There you can only make it invislibe (via right-click onto the time sig)
The current version is 3.6.2, 1.1 got released almost 10 years ago. And even isn't the last 1.x, that'd be 1.3

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