Change of key at repeat bars

• Apr 29, 2021 - 18:20

How do I change the setting: After placing a repeat bar in, then changing the key signature, it always puts the change of key first, then the repeat bar. I would like the repeat bar first and then the change of key. Any help would be most appreciated.

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Musescore problem.mscz 5.23 KB


The default is correct here. After all, the key only changes once, not twice, so it's incorrect and misleading the the reader to put it within the repeat.

The only time it would be potentially proper to place the key signature after the start repeat would be if the key changes again within the repeated section (in your example, say, back to 2 sharps). Then you'd need something to indicate the key changes back to 4 sharps on the repeat. Even so, the more proper place to do that is before the end repeat. See for example Elaine Gould's "Behind Bars", pp. 234-5.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

If you after the above warning though still want to have the other look (which admittedly I was always used to as well) something like this should work:

  1. Click the barline, give it a negative leading offset using the inspector so it's around the place where you expect it
  2. Move the key signature slightly to the right to make place for the moved barline (X-offset of about 1,5sp)
  3. You might want to also place some leading space on the first note/rest following to set it apart from the key signature
Attachment Size
320681-flipped-keysig-repeat.mscz 5.83 KB

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