E Mail a Musescore in PDF

• Jul 2, 2021 - 22:30

I tried everything . Hr after Hr . Can't send an e mail in PDF format to him .Can you explain in a simple way, how to do it Herman Rombouts.


[File]>[Export] and select PDF in the Export to: drop down. Press the Export button at the bottom of the dialogue. This will open a save as dialogue. Change the file name if you want and change the save location. Make sure you remember where the file is saved to and what it is called. Then create the email with the appropriate address and attach the pdf file from the location where you saved it to.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thank you so much, Steve,This is greatly appreciated I am a beginner with Musescore.Henceforth it can become very frustrating indeed.Years ago I owned Finale ,which I liked. Unfortunately it was on a my Lacie HD
At that time I used an early Apple computer. I tried to save the HD but it was hopeless .Since this is a very long time ago ,I mainly do the theory & harmony lessons to keep the old brain going. Ha Ha.
Greetings : Herman Rombouts

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