Which is better for MuseScore - Windows or Mac?
I have to replace my current old laptop as it is too under powered.
Which would be the better path to go on taking into consideration MuseScore4 and its soundfiles both free and bought ?
Thanks in advance !
It is mainly a personal choice... Which system do you prefer?
Now if you really don't know and use some free software such as musescore I would say go for Windows, because the choice of free software is larger there, and the chance to get help in case of issue is greater as the user base is larger.
In reply to It is mainly a personal… by frfancha
Thank you for that, my choice is now far easier.
You may not want to switch the OS between the old and the new laptop (except maybe to a new version of the same), getting used to the other one might come with quite a learning curve
In reply to You may not want to switch… by Jojo-Schmitz
Very true!
In the meantime, it is very possible to run MU4 0n an underpowered machine.
In reply to In the meantime, it is very… by bobjp
Generally speaking - yes, but there are certain pieces of my music that will play perfectly on my high powered pc, but not on my low powered laptop. Most play fine. I would not be looking to spend money on a new to me laptop if it was not necessary to enjoy all my music.
In reply to Generally speaking - yes,… by Philorganic
It would make sense to me to stick with the OS on your PC.
FWIW one of my systems is a very old Pentium CPU 4 GB ram and an SSD. It will play 15 instrument scores with a one or two beat studder at the start of playback if all instruments are playing. Playback is fine otherwise, I'm not saying you don't need a new computer. Just that how you set it up can make a difference.