Decrescendo/Crescendo Not Working

• Jul 11, 2021 - 11:16


I have a problem where my hairpin decrescendo stopped working. I have a long tied chord on a string section that I want to diminuendo down from the dynamic p to pppp. Yesterday it was working (by this I mean the playback), and the composition is almost finished, but suddenly the playback played like the hairpin wasn't there. I don't know if this is a bug or maybe I've reached a limit that causes it to no longer work?

Most other hairpin dynamics in the score still seem to playback correctly, just these few bars have stopped. I've tried restarting Musescore, which had no effect. I've done some online research, but found no-one on the forums with a similar problem and nothing seems to be in the handbooks about it either. I have also tried changing some settings in the inspector to see if it made any difference, but it didn't. I also tried adding a crescendo to see if it was all hairpins, and it didn't play back either; I also tried replacing the hairpins with crescendo/decrescendo lines, and that also didn't change anything.

At the moment, either the diminuendo is working, but not playing back to the desired dynamic or it is not playing back at all. It is hard to tell.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.


Update: I fixed it by changing the sound in the mixer. Initially the part was 'Strings Fast Expr.' but I had changed it to 'Strings Fast' to fix a bug with accents and ties. I've changed it back to 'Strings Fast Expr.' because I think the dynamics are more important, but there are definitely some bugs involved here.

(The accent and ties "bug" is where an accented tied note won't stay accented for the whole note, but only the actually note with an accent on it, meaning the first tied note is loud but the rest is quite which sounded weird, so my fix for that is normally to add invisible accents on to the rest of the tied notes, so that they have roughly a consistent velocity. With the 'Strings Fast Expr.' sound, the accented tied notes would play as if they weren't tied to the previous note, giving off a strange effect. In this case, the effect was barely noticeable at the dynamic I had it at, so I sacrificed that for the consistent hairpin dynamic changes)

In reply to by Jonathan Liu Penman

Earlier you wrote:
...just these few bars have stopped.

If those bars are the "long tied chord on a string section that I want to diminuendo down from the dynamic p to pppp" then "Expr." (expressive instrument) is what you want for single note dynamics.

For other issues like "the accent and ties bug" please attach your score indicating precisely where the problem occurs.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hey Marc, I just checked and it seems that I am updated (currently on version

The visuals for the accents and ties are working absolutely fine, when played back however, the sounds get slightly choppy and you can hear when the initial accented note ends, however this is only noticeable if you listen carefully and doesn't massively affect play back.

Edit: I just checked, that problem more-or-less no longer exists. Thanks for clarifying!

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